The 'Headers In Life & Legend
by Russell W. Knight

Original Dust Cover Information

Trusting that some "True Marbleheaders," who are interested in this digital version of Russell's wonderful book will want to "see it all," we are photographically presenting the actual book, no longer available anywhere, from all angles and republishing the dust cover just as it appeared.

-- inside front --

The 'Headers

-- from the Introduction --

"...when I was a boy, my schoolmates and I time and again would remain glued to our seats as our teachers held us spellbound with vividly worded tales of the town's glorius past.

Needless to say, the stories they related lost nothing in the telling, for most of them were members of the town's oldest families.

What a joy it was to learn that it was Elbridge Gerry, Azor Orne and Jerimiah Lee who had fathered the war for indepenedence; that it was Captains Tucker, Manley, Broughton, Selman and Mugford who had successfully challenged Great Britain's vast naval fleet! That when Washington launched the American navy, five of the six vessels he commissioned as warships were schooners owned and operated by a bevy of Marbleheaders; that those ex-Grand Bankers armed with a few small-bore cannon and one or two swivel guns, then proceeded to snare a goodly number of British merchantment laden with supplies which Washington desperately needed to arm and equip his hard-pressed forces..."

This book carries on the traditions of story-telling and community spirit that are at the heart of Marblehead's uniqueness.

As the author puts it... "Read on..."

-- inside back --

RUSSELL W. KNIGHT at the age of eight standing outside the Gerry School beside the Old Seed House, now long gone. Circa 1910.







ISBN 0-9625124-1-9
Dust Jack Design and Illustration by: Mindi Chapman
Legend, Inc.
A Division Of Legend, Inc.
Dust Jack Illustration by Bill Purdin: A rendering of the original painting
"The Spirit Of '76" by Archibald Willard

-- back cover --

RUSSELL W. KNIIGHT is a retired industrialist,
author, historian and collector. He is also a true
'Header who, like his forebears who settled in
Marblehead in 1640, never resided elsewhere.
Born a stone's throw from its rock-ribbed harbor,
he early in life developed an enduring interest in
the town's background and its intriguing

Numbered among his works are books and
articles relating to Elbridge Gerry, General John
Glover, Phillip Ashton, Jr., and other memorable
figures. In this slender volume he has recorded a
rich blend of age-old sagas, tales of derring-do,
queer happenings and graphic accounts of
adventure and misadventure. They represent not
only gleanings of decades, but the collector's life-
long love for his home town and its place in
American history.

Table Of Contents

¬ÝThe 'Headers In Life & Legend
by Russell W. Knight
Original Dust Cover Information

Trusting that some "True Marbleheaders," who are interested in this digital version of Russell's wonderful book will want to "see it all," we are photographically presenting the actual book, no longer available anywhere, from all angles and republishing the dust cover just as it appeared.

-- inside front --

The 'Headers

-- from the Introduction --

"...when I was a boy, my schoolmates and I time and again would remain glued to our seats as our teachers held us spellbound with vividly worded tales of the town's glorius past.

Needless to say, the stories they related lost nothing in the telling, for most of them were members of the town's oldest families.

What a joy it was to learn that it was Elbridge Gerry, Azor Orne and Jerimiah Lee who had fathered the war for indepenedence; that it was Captains Tucker, Manley, Broughton, Selman and Mugford who had successfully challenged Great Britain's vast naval fleet! That when Washington launched the American navy, five of the six vessels he commissioned as warships were schooners owned and operated by a bevy of Marbleheaders; that those ex-Grand Bankers armed with a few small-bore cannon and one or two swivel guns, then proceeded to snare a goodly number of British merchantment laden with supplies which Washington desperately needed to arm and equip his hard-pressed forces..."

This book carries on the traditions of story-telling and community spirit that are at the heart of Marblehead's uniqueness.

As the author puts it... "Read on..."

-- inside back --

RUSSELL W. KNIGHT at the age of eight standing outside the Gerry School beside the Old Seed House, now long gone. Circa 1910.

ISBN 0-9625124-1-9
Dust Jack Design and Illustration by: Mindi Chapman
Legend, Inc.
A Division Of Legend, Inc.
Dust Jack Illustration by Bill Purdin: A rendering of the original painting
"The Spirit Of '76" by Archibald Willard
-- back cover --

RUSSELL W. KNIIGHT is a retired industrialist,
author, historian and collector. He is also a true
'Header who, like his forebears who settled in
Marblehead in 1640, never resided elsewhere.
Born a stone's throw from its rock-ribbed harbor,
he early in life developed an enduring interest in
the town's background and its intriguing

Numbered among his works are books and
articles relating to Elbridge Gerry, General John
Glover, Phillip Ashton, Jr., and other memorable
figures. In this slender volume he has recorded a
rich blend of age-old sagas, tales of derring-do,
queer happenings and graphic accounts of
adventure and misadventure. They represent not
only gleanings of decades, but the collector's life-
long love for his home town and its place in
American history.

Table Of Contents