Our Approach

We believe that an evolving mix of marketing techniques generally does a better job than over reliance on just one or two. We believe that reaching your target audiences in unpredictable ways definitely enhances the quality of the impressions. We encourage our clients to be bold, surprising, and always positive.

Image standards.
For most clients we initiate the development of a marketing platform, beginning with graphic standards, consistency controls, top-notch corporate and sales materials and, where necessary, logo enhancements.

Public relations component.
We then strongly recommend a two-tiered public relations effort: personnel changes and then special PR initiatives, which are events that we plan and time to have real impact when and where it will count the most.

Reinforcement. We reinforce these efforts with direct mail, and the appropriate mix of advertising to create campaigns that are obviously coordinated efforts and that are aimed at informative and forceful impressions on the target audiences. Customer newsletters that are truly interesting and genuinely informative are often recommended as another way to communicate without obviously barraging clients with constant selling, while still achieving a deeper relationship with recipients nonetheless.

Experience still matters.
Solid and dependable business growth requires a sure-footed marketing effort. Legend offers our clients a wide variety of experience, an abiding commitment to creativity, and an excellent business sense when it comes to budgeting and cost controls. However, these controls are not conservative in nature; rather they are aimed at maximum benefit and quality.

Aggressiveness. We promote our clients' services and products aggressively and extensively, aiming at dominance and leadership in their industry for them. Investment in marketing success is the best investment for a business that we know of. The returns on creativity, consistency, commitment and dedication to quality will outperform any stock, bond, or deal that may come along. It will enhance employees' confidence and pride in the company, and it will help retain current customers and business. We aggressively advocate a strong and continuing investment in the image and marketing of our clients' companies. We know it pays off. This approach has resulted in a steady growth in our billings and the stature of our clients, and, importantly, it has given us the luxury of an excellent record of client retention over the years.

Account service.
Our system of account service is directed at maintaining contact with each client on several levels: media services, printing and collateral services, public relations, estimating, billing services, regular conversations about the agency-client relationship, and about planning ahead. There are generally just one or two Legend representatives for each client. The President and Creative Director is involved with every client. Our innovative Internet Courier System makes the process easy and very convenient with access from anywhere in the world.

Business practices.
Our business systems allow for very easy access to all personnel, at all levels. We strive for a high degree of professionalism with a minimum of formality. We generally experience easy and trusting client relations with a minimum of meetings, but with a lot of interchange and routine contacts. You will have to judge for yourself, but everything we do, all of our systems and practices and our overall approach are all geared to one thing: to be the easiest-to-work-with agency you have ever encountered.

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