Selectmen's Minutes Index
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Selectmen's Minutes

June 12, 1996

Board met in Regular Session 7:30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall

Present (constituting a quorum):

Thomas A. McNulty
Diane E. St. Laurent
William M. Purdin
F. Reed Cutting, Jr.
Anthony M. Sasso, Administrator

Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes of June 5, 1996 as amended. All in favor.

PROCLAMATION. John Russell appeared before the Board to announce that this year is the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Town Class fleet. Motion made and seconded to declare the week of July 29- August 4 Marblehead Town Class Week. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Lena Dietz appeared to request approval to place a sign overhanging a public way at 128 Washington Street for her shop, Gemmel & Co. Motion made and seconded to approve such a request subject to Ms. Dietz providing the Town with the appropriate insurance. All in favor.

Fort Sewall. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Ellen A. Warms to hold a wedding reception on August 10, 1996 at twelve o'clock noon at Fort Sewall subject to the usual conditions including the hiring of a police officer. A champagne toast will be held, but no other alcohol will be served. It is anticipated the reception will be concluded around three in the afternoon. All in favor.

LICENSE. One-day Entertainment. Dolphin Yacht Club. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of the Dolphin Yacht Club for a one-day entertainment license for Saturday, June 22,1996, between 7 p.m. and 12 midnight. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Beth A. Yuskaitis to close Heritage Way from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 4,1996 for a neighborhood block party subject to Police Department approval. All in favor.

WORKER'S COMPENSATION AGENT. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Joseph A. Bachorowski, Workers' Compensation Agent, to appear before the Finance Committee to request a transfer of $20,355.45 for settlement of claims. All in favor. Motion made and seconded that the Selectmen want assurances if there is indemnification for Police, that the Worker's Compensation Agent is seeking retribution from the other parties. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Judith Kelin, Public Relations Director of Cohen Hillel Academy, to place two signs at the intersection of Community Road and Atlantic Avenue subject to the Town Engineer's review and approval. All in favor.

REC. AND PARK/COUNCIL ON AGING. Fraffie Welch of the Recreation and Park Department, and Jay Dow of the Council on Aging appeared before the Board to announce the bid for their new building has been awarded to G.B.W. of East Boston. They thanked Charles Gessner of the Finance Committee and MaIy Ellen Walsh-Rogalski, Assistant Town Counsel, for their assistance.

Memorial Park. Discussion was held as it relates to skateboarders using Memorial Park and damaging the monuments. Motion made and seconded to notify the Chief of Police, with Mr. Sasso's consultation, to instruct his officers to make Memorial Park part of their patrol. All in favor.

In-Line Skating Facility. Selectman St. Laurent gave an update on the proposed In-Line Skating Facility. At this time, fund raising is their main consideration and volunteer help is sorely needed. Contributions may be sent to the Selectmen's Office, Abbot Hall

LICENSE. Junk Collector's License. Jim Russell appeared requesting permission to collect metal from his truck on Beacon Street. Motion made and seconded that Mr. Russell, Mr. McNulty and Mr. Sasso meet to come to a final agreement on this request. All in favor.

MBTA BUS STOP. Motion made and seconded to have Mr. Sasso and Officer Dave Millett meet with Jan Smith as it relates to his request for reinstatement of an MBTA bus stop at the Citgo Station on Pleasant Street. All in favor.

LICENSE. All Alcoholic. Jacob Marley's II. A letter from John A. Whipple, attorney for Jacob Marley's, II, Inc. was read indicating they will now be serving all alcoholic beverages in the outside dining area known as Tiny Tim's as allowed under their All Alcoholic Beverage License. Motion made and seconded to have the Selectmen go on record to say they have no objection to the serving of whatever their license allows. Four selectmen voted in favor, with Mr. Cutting abstaining.

PWED OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Motion made and seconded to appoint John Kelley, representing the business community, to the PWED Oversight Committee. All in favor.

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Motion made and seconded to request the Board of Assessors determine the amount of overlay which can be transferred to the reserve account, or, that amount which was raised by taxation for abatements, which has been determined by the Assessors to be "no longer needed." All in favor.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY. Motion made and seconded to adopt the Sexual Harassment Policy as presented by Town Administrator Sasso. All in favor.

FIREWORKS. Chairman of the Fireworks Committee, Jim Hourihan, reported to Town Administrator Sasso the fireworks will be held on July fourth, with flares being ignited at 9 p.m. and fireworks at 9:30 p.m. The raindate is Saturday, July sixth.

RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. Motion made and seconded that to the extent that it may be necessary, the Board authorizes the Water and Sewer Commission to execute the requested agreement allowing the United States Environmental Protection Agency access to the former railroad right-of-way.

RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION. Motion made and seconded to authorize Chairman McNulty to sign the appropriate documents on behalf of the Board of Selectmen if necessary to execute the contract for the construction of the Recreation and Park/Council on Aging building.

Motion made and seconded that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining, votes may be taken, and if they are, votes will be released at a time deemed appropriate by Counsel, not to resume in open session. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, in favor; Mr. Purdin, in favor; Mrs. St. Laurent, in favor; Mr. Conly, in favor; and Mr. McNulty, in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Patricia D. Charbonnier
Administrative Aide
* Each week the Selectmen Minutes are published by the Selectmen's Office. Marblehead_Nws-Digest publishes them on the worldwide web without change or comment. Any corrections, comments or additions should be EMailed to, and they will be published within a few days.

Selectmen's Minutes Index

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